Category Archives: ENG

15 veljače, 2017

2016 had been proclaimed the Year of Saint Blaise in Dubrovnik and the Dubrovnik diocese. The ocassion being the great 1700 year anniversary of his martydom and the reason, best covenyedby the poet´s verse:
For a thousand years this old saint had held out city in his powerful hand, he is out patron saint, out saviour then and at present.“
(L. Paljetak)

Born in a faraway place, and yet our fellow…

15 veljače, 2017

It has been 80 years the adoption of rules of The Mortat-Bearers of St Blaise Society, which was founded in 1847 in Dubrovnik. At that time men fired various weapons such as different old-fashioned pistols, guns and mortars. Because of accidents that happend when using the weapons, the adoption of the rules enabled the reaching of a decision to cast uniform muskets with walnut gunstock and St Blaise´s coat…